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My Professional Services

  • Active and Passive Isolated Stretching Ancient Technique



Developed by Aaron Mattes and use by Doctors, Therapist and Athletes to increase the bodies potential to heal and increase performance. Mattes recommends isolating the muscle to be stretched then actively lengthening it to a point of light irritation. Hold the stretch for no more than 2 seconds, then returning the limb to the starting position. This sequence usually repeated 8 to 10 times. This stretching protocol is thought to prevent the stretch reflex while activating the reciprocal inhibition, thereby allowing the target muscle to lengthen more easily.

  • Shiatsu Bar Therapy (Barefoot Massage) Ancient Technique



Is an ancient form of bodywork using the bare feet and hands in compression work combined with swedish, sports and myofacial massage. It provides deep, relaxing massage without the usual pain associated with deep tissue massage.

  • Infant Massage Instructions Basic Nurturing



Is simple to learn. It is basic nurturing and teaches the touch that can provide physical and psychological bonding between mother and infant. Further, infant massage may calm the child and reduce symptoms of colic.

  • Lymph Drainage Therapy (Chickly Institute)



Lymph Drainage Therapy is a gentle manual maneuvers that stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, improving metabolism, helping the body to eliminate waste and toxins providing a boost to the immune system. The exact amount of pressure applied depends on the area of pathology involved, it averages an extremely light five grams, or the equivalent of a nickel.


The lymphatic system is responsible for helping the fluid and waste leave the body and for regulating the immune system.When the lymphatic becomes blocked, fluid builds up and stagnates, causing the entire system to be toxic, making us feel sluggish and more susceptible to viral or contagious diseases. By stimulating this system this technique, it works more efficiently, which in turn boosts the immune system, clears blockages, eliminates toxins, transports nutrients to cells and increases the metabolism.Lymphatic Drainage boosts immune system so, as well as helping their body ward off illness, treatment can facilitate general feelings of health and vitality. It also has positive physical effect, improving the appearance of the skin and reducing puffiness cause by water retention, poor circulation or pregnancy. As with other massage, it can help with pain from fractures, sprains and rheumatism, less bruising from post operative surgery (particularly breast implant, face lift, lipo and more) and it promotes the body’s own healing mechanisms.

  • Manual Lymph Drainage and Deconggestive Therapy for Lymphedema Patients


Treatment Includes:


  • Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

  • Compression Garment fitting

  • Kinesio taping

  • Lipedema

  • Patient and family education

  • Preventative care

  • Range of motion

  • Scar Tissue

  • Short Stretch bandeging

  • Treatment and Maintenance lymphedema

  • Visceral Manipulation (Baral Institute)



Visceral Manipulation (VM) was developed by French Osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral. He was named one of TIME Magazine's Top Six Innovators for Alternative Medicine to watch in the new millennium.


This delicate manual therapy is often cited as a missing link in the treatment of recurring musculoskeletal pain, postural distortions and biomechanical dysfunction. Barral and his international instructing team have trained healthcare professionals around the world.


• Chronic musculoskeletal pain                            

• Headaches and Migraines

• Sciatica

• Back, hip and knee pain

• Repetitive strain injuries, e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Whiplash and other physical trauma

• Shoulder periarthritis and capsulitis

• Restricted range of motion

• Vertigo

• Post-surgical pain and Scar tissue​

• Post-cardiac surgery

• Swallowing difficulties

• Acid Reflux and Heartburn


  • Women's Health Issues

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids and Cysts

  • Bladder Incontinence

  • Crohn's Disease

  • Liver Disorders

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Pediatrics Issues

  • Neuromotor Problems

  • Ward Off Infection

  • Emotional Disorders

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • and much more (Click Here for more Info)

  • Mayan Abdominal Massage (Arvigo Technique)



Is a non-invasive, external, massage technique. It guides internal organs into their proper position for optimum health and well being. Maya massage improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen.


This massage is effective for both men and women. The technique applies anatomy, physiology, hebology and naprapathy (study of the ligaments, joints and muscles), with Ancient Maya healing techniques to address common female and male complients. The technique works by relieving the congestion and blockages to improve the flow of chi and fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptomatology.Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN, developed these techniques after apprenticing with Don Eligio Panti, the last of the traditional Maya Shaman in Central America, where she has lives for over 30 years. The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage combine modern science with traditional healing and wisdom to produce a holistic path to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.This list contains the most common symptoms that are improved by incorporating the holistic modality into ones health care.

  • Massage for Child Bearing Years (Kate Jordan)



During pregnancy, the weight has shifted drastically in a woman’s body. Weight has been added to the belly, which puts a large strain on the back. Pregnancy can be very stressful time emotionally. Massage therapy, both before birth during labor and after birth can help relieve these strains in an extremely comfortable way.​


Pregnancy Massage


Focuses on the special needs of the mother to be. While providing emotional support and nurturing touches, it provides relaxation by relieving stress on joints, eases neck and back pain, helps to keep good posture and relaxes and provides flexibility to birthing muscles. Massage can aid the circulatory and lymphatic system, which can keep blood flowing to both mother and the baby, and reduces fatigue. It stimulates different glands in the body, which help stabilize hormone levels and relieves nervous tension throughout the body. The fetus can also receive warm, loving touches before he or she is born.

  • Muscle Release (Michael Young)



The Muscle Release Technique SM is a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement, and breath to give the therapist a tool to provide, in many cases, relief from pain in one treatment. With the TechniqueSM scar tissue is broken up, the muscle is lengthened, muscle memory is restored and relief from pain starts immediately.​


With the Muscle Release Technique, the client is placed in particular positions so that the muscle begins to stretch in a very specific direction of plane. Then pressure is applied directly into the focal point of the affected tissue. The combination of a specific extension, precise pinpoint compression, and an exact plane of movement, while working with the breath, can produce an immediate release.The scar tissue is broken up and the muscle length is restored.

  • Orthopedic Massage and Pain Management (James Waslaski)



Orthopedic massage involves therapeutic assessment, manipulation and movement of locomotor soft tissue to reduce pain and dysfunction. Restoring structural balance throughout the body allows us to focus on both prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Its objectives are to restore structural balance in the muscle groups throughout the body, and decompress arthritic or painful joints.


Muscle groups shorten, due to prolonged poor posture or repetitive motions, and shortened muscle groups need to be stretched out or they will pull bones onto nerves and blood vessels, and cause or contribute to all sorts of orthopedic conditions. James Waslaski believes that conditions like joint arthritis are symptoms that result from tight muscles around a joint; thus, thoracic outlet and carpal tunnel syndrome are actually orthopedic conditions.

  • Postpartum Massage Restore to Pre-pregnancy Condition



​Focuses on helping to restore the woman’s body to its pre-pregnancy condition. Massage therapy plays an important part in restoration of the abdominal muscle wall and the uterus to its normal state. It helps to realign the body weight to its original distribution and tones the over stretched areas of skin over the belly.


As with all massages, it relieves muscle tension and stress from everyday activities, especially new mothering duties. It not only helps restore the physical body to the new mom but also helps to revive her emotional state. The loving touch of hands can provide a time to relax and reflect for the new mother and helps to get her through the postpartum blues. When the mother feels good about herself, it is easier to meet the needs of her newborn.

  • MyoFacial Release (John Barnes)



What makes MFR unique is that the therapists use firm but gentle and sustained pressure into the facial system with their hands until painful myofacial restrictions soften (re-hydrate) and release. It takes time for a release to happen and therapists are trained to wait and feel for the subtle changes in the tissue, which indicate a release has occurred.


Lotions or oils are never used during MFR therapy so as to allow the therapist to continue engaging the fascia without slipping as they wait for releases to occur. Also, the tissue is never forced; therefore, MFR is never injurious and clients experience long-lasting results.


What Is Fascia?

Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider’s web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and nterpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater. Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.) A high percentage of people suffering with pain and/or lack of motion may be having fascial problems, but are not diagnosed.

  • Myoskeletal Alignment (Eric Dalton)



Myoskeletal alignment technique (MAT) is a type of bodywork which blends the principles of osteopathy and structural integration to relieve chronic pain, and to reduce the potential for the emergence of pain which could become chronic over time.​


The goal of Myoskeletal Alignment is to create homeostasis by restoring the bodies own inborn ability to be healthy. By utilizing specific hands on maneuvers that stimulate the facia’s sensory receptor system, the Myoskeletal techniques help to reshape and restore elasticity and range of motion to restricted muscles, ligaments and joint capsules that control, support and retrain spinal motion.

  • Neuromuscular Therapy (Paul Saint John)



Neuromuscular Therapy is a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation techniques that balance the central nervous system (brain, spinal column and nerves) with the structure and form of the musculoskeletal system. NMT is based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system maintains homeostatic balance. These same laws dictate how the central nervous system initiates pain response.


Five Principles To Neuromuscular Therapy

Biomechanical Dysfunction:

is an imbalance of the musculoskeletal system resulting in faulty movement patterns. Repetitive strain of certain soft tissue result in adapted movement patterns that become muscular “habits” and must be reeducated.


is a lack of blood supply to the soft tissues, which causes them to be very sensitive touch.


Nerve Compression And Entrapment:
Pressure on a nerve by bone, cartilage or soft tissue. The role of the soft tissues in nerve compression is vital. Failure to treat the associated soft tissue often treats the symptom without eliminating the cause of the pain. Nerve entrapment is the most common type of pain and always causes ischemia. Ignored, it can produce associated trigger points.


Postural Distortion:
Or muscular contraction occurs when there is an imbalance of the musculoskeletal system resulting from movement of the body off the coronal, midsagital or horizontal planes. When the body tries to compensate in an effort maintain structural balance, muscle contraction, body distortion, and pain result. For example, lower limb-length inequality can cause a tilted pelvis, which usually results in a compensatory scoliosis that is maintained by sustained muscular effort.


Trigger Points:
Occurs when nerves fire impulses at a rapid speed into an area of the body other than that which has been traumatized. Because of trigger points, the cause of serious pain may often be far from the actual site of the pain. This, in turn, inhibits proper blood flow, which causes ischemia an often leads to more pain and discomfort.


Other Services:


  • Thermograpy - Spectron IR Medical Infrared Imaging System

    • Breast

    • Breast and Thyroid

    • Maxofacial

    • Upper Body

    • Lower Body


  • Oligoscan

  • Avazzia

  • Bemer

  • Natural Action Water

  • AMD (Ion-Cleanse)

  • Health Supplements

Set Appt. Here

Open Every:

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 3.00pm 

7656 W. Sahara Ave. #120 Las Vegas, NV 89117

Body In Balance LV Accepts Only : CASH &

Credit Cards



Body In Balance of Las Vegas massage sessions and other therapies are for general wellness purposes. For serious conditions, clients should see a doctor or other appropriate healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment of any suspected medical problem. Also, it is your responsibility to keep your massage/therapy practitioner informed of any changes in your health and any medications that you may begin to take in the future.

State License 0337

City License M12-00795

City Establishment License M03-97620


© 2023 Body In Balance Las Vegas. by @Simple IT Today


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